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July 05, 2006



I like the post.
That ceremony is so corny and artificial (like when people start cheering over the singer before the end of the national anthem), yet it is emotional every year. I think you have it right- the ceremony and the declaration itself taps into our primal need for myth and storytelling. It’s what brings us together on holidays (like Jews at the Passover seder telling the story of Exodus). It’s what got us past the civil war and will hopefully help us avoid another one.

Now if we could just try to keep the secret to ourselves. The institutionalization of personal liberty is definitely not for everyone and exporting it to the far and middle east may not be possible given their oligarchic and tribal tendencies.

Enough ramblings for a Saturday.


j - you are about a thousand times smarter than me. Dude, you need your own site :)

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