I never finished this...
I love my apartment on Lake Street with it's big picture window and views of the Sears Tower and Chicago skyline. The lights sparkle in the distance, rows and rows of lights against a dark sky. I am sitting on the couch which is covered in green cloth and is very comfortable. I have a book in front of me (I am not reading it) and a cup of tea is sitting on the table. The cup and saucer are white china with a pattern of blue flowers. They belong to my mother who has sent them to me. I am waiting for a visitor. When he arrives, with a knock at the door and covered in snowy clothes, I hardly know what to say. He, on the other hand, says plenty. "Do you have anything to eat? What, no, no not that. Let's go out. What are you reading? Oh my God, that book doesn't look promising. The woman on the cover looks depressed. Why are you sitting here drinking tea like an old lady, anyway?" We go across the street to an Italian restaurant. Or, should I say, "Italian" restaurant as my companion is Italian and hates the restaurant on site. But he orders gnocchi anyway, saying in his slightly raspy from smoking too many cigarettes voice, "This could be dangerous."
Nice Prose!! My rule: happy people on book covers make for unhappy reading. So, you probably made a great book choice. You usually do.
Posted by: michele | August 03, 2004 at 12:39 PM
michele: thanks!
Yeah, book covers are my pet peave. I resisted reading Le Divorce all these years because of the stupid cover and it turns out it's a pretty good book. Totally not chick lit, so why the dumb chick lit cover?
Posted by: MD | August 03, 2004 at 05:58 PM